- Posted by Automated Trading
7.5 Steps to Finding the Right Trading System For You
With the ability to get quotes on your phone while driving, online trading rooms, and investing courses and coaches for hire – individual investors are in the envious (or unfortunate) position of being able to find the “next best thing” or “ultimate trading system” with just a few strokes of the keyboard. But here’s the rub — Out of all
February 5, 201400 - Posted by Automated Trading
What Is Swing Trading?
Swing Trading systems hold positions for several days to weeks and operate mainly on highly liquid markets like the stock index futures, bond futures, and more recently energy futures. Their general approach is to ride market “swings” for a few days, then exit or reverse the position and ride the swing the other way. This ability to “book profits” after
January 30, 2014 - Posted by Automated Trading
Types of Futures Trading Systems – Day Trading
There are thousands of different futures trading systems which operate on everything from Crude Oil to stock market futures like the e-Mini S&P, with as many different methods for analyzing those markets as there are combinations of the hundreds of technical indicators in the world — making it somewhat difficult to categorize trading systems. The easiest way we have found
January 20, 2014 - Posted by Automated Trading
History of Trading Systems
Trading systems trace their roots all the way back to 1949 when Richard Donchian launched Futures, Inc., one of the first publically held commodity funds, which used set rules to generate buy and sell signals. Obviously, without the internet and computers the systems of the 1950s were much different than today. Back then system developers relied on ticker tape and
January 13, 2014 - Posted by Automated Trading
Trading Systems Volatility Profile
Trading systems have a long volatility profile. We’ve often talked about trading systems being a long volatility investment, and that stems from their internal makeup which more often than not looks to risk a fixed amount, while allowing for profits to run. This creates a return profile in which the system will have winning trades between 40% and 60% of
January 6, 2014